National Appreciation Day for Mental Health Providers

In recognition of National Mental Health Awareness Month, May 12th marked National Appreciation Day for Mental Health Providers. On this day, we recognize, thank, and appreciate all those who work with their patients to ensure that they are receiving the behavioral health care they need. Their dedication to their patients is admirable. They are compassionate, selfless, and understanding. We recognize the challenges they face every day and celebrate the commitment they have for both their jobs and their patients.

We would like to thank and recognize both of our clinicians, Kimberly Holtsclaw and Maxwell Sloan. Your hard work and efforts do not go unnoticed! We are thankful to have such wonderful, compassionate Mental Health Providers on our team. 

Here are some ways you can thank your Mental Health Provider this month:

  1. Write a note!

    • Write a thank you note for their efforts.

  2. Do the feedback survey

    • If available, give feedback!

  3. Send an update

    • Tell your therapist or past therapist how you are doing.

  4. Share your experience online

    • Share how your experience is going with your friends and family.

  5. Just say “thank you”!

    • A simple “thank you” is more than enough!